Kotor 2 Side Quests

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  1. Kotor 2 Quest Guide
  2. Kotor 2 Onderon Side Quests

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: the Missing content - links to more cut content as well KOTOR II Restoration Project; KOTOR II Restoration project forums; M4-78 Enhancement Project - website dedicated to the expansion of the original M4-78 mod, created by modder Darth Stoney, which restores the cut planet M4-78. Welcome to our Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords walkthrough! Simply click any of the links within the navigation bar to the right and you will be brought to the respective area. Neoseeker Forums » Xbox Games » RPG / Adventure / Strategy » Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2 - The Sith Lords » best force allowing armour /robes best force allowing armour /robes 0.

Refugee Landing Pad1) Landing Pad – You’ll touch down on one of the landing pads in the Refugee sector. Unfortunately this pad has been claimed. Once you step out Quello will demand payment. You can threaten him or pay him. Either way there will be trouble later on once the Red Eclipse gang arrive.Head down the corridor to the east. As you turn around the corner you’ll bump into some Exchange thugs. You can take them out or let them taunt the guy for LS or DS points.

There’s also a couple of refugees here who will ask for credits. If you help them Kreia will talk to you. Agree with her for more influence over her.2) Workbench – There is a workbench here, but more importantly in a nearby container you’ll find the Airspeeder Navigation Interface.

One of the items you need to repair a broken airspeeder belonging to the Serroco gang.3) Tienn Tubb and TT-32 – You’ll first meet the droid TT-32 who asks you to help retrieve a droid that was sold to the droid parts merchant, Kodin at #9. If you do you’ll get a Renewable Droid Shield.Tienn Tubb will help you later on once you have a Blank Transponder Card for the Ebon Hawk.4) Ex Bounty Hunter, Vossk – Talk to Vossk and he’ll tell you about the different factions and some of the bounty hunters on Nar Shaddaa.5) The Ebon Hawk Owner? – Yes, that’s right. A man by the name of Ratrin Vhek will claim to be the owner of the Ebon Hawk. He doesn’t have any actual proof of ownership except that he knows where the hidden compartments are located. Agree to hand over the Ebon Hawk for LS points or kill him for DS points.

If you give him the ship or tell him to go away he’ll end up trying to steal the Ebon Hawk back anyway and he’ll get killed by the Red Eclipse gang.6) Oondar the Bad Merchant – Oondar is in competition with Geeda on the other side of this area #8. They will ask you to get rid of the other merchant.

You can tell either of them to leave, either Oondar or Geeda but you’ll no longer have access to their inventory.7) Exchange Boss – A deal with an Exchange Boss has gone wrong. Once you enter the room they’ll turn on you.

Killing them will give you notoriety with the Exchange.8) Geeda the Good Merchant – Geeda will sell you some regular items for sale. If you come back to her later in the game she’ll have much better items for sale.9) Kodin, Droid Parts Merchant – If you’ve been to see TT-32 at #3 then you’ll be able to buy the IT-31 droid for 500 credits which you may be able to Persuade down to 150 credits. Threaten Kodin for DS points and get the droid for free.Once you’ve purchased IT-31 talk with it and send it back to TT-32.

Follow the droid back and speak with TT-32 for your reward.10) Swoop Racing – This room and the next room are the swoop racing area. Lupo has been cheating the swoop racers by using an unbeatable droid, C9-T9, to race against them.Speak with Borna Lys and she’ll have a way to sabotage the droid, making the swoop racing fairer for everyone else. Persuade her for the Access Codes and then use Repair or Computer on the terminal next to the C9-T9 droid. You’ll be able to check it for oddities and sabotage it one way or another.Talk to Lupo and convince him to sell the Swoop Racing to Borna. Head back to Borna and she’ll give you a reward. You can now take part in the Swoop Racing with a good chance of winning.Once you’ve cleared this area head through one of the exits to one of the other three areas.11) Exit to Entertainment Promenade12) Exit to Docks13) Exit to Refugee QuadEntertainment Promenade1) Exit to Refugee Landing Pad2) Twik’gar and Kallah-Nah – As you enter the Entertainment Promenade there will be a couple of thugs on the left, Twik’gar and his friend.

They’re asking about a Pazaak player called Geredi. You can convince Geredi to come out or just leave the thugs waiting. Geredi is one of three Pazaak players you need to beat in order to meet the Champion so this is one way to get rid of him if you don’t want to play him properly.On the other side of the door is a little character called Kallah-Nar. If you speak with him after talking to the Pazaak Den guard you’ll be able to find out the password to enter the Pazaak Den.

Secondly, you can find your current stading with the exchange. You need a certain amount of notoriety with the Exchange in order to be given a meeting with Visquis, the local Exchange boss. You can also pay Kallah-Nar 2,000 credits to improve your stading with the Exchange but if you do the other quests this shouldn’t be necessary.3) Pazaak Den Door Guard – The guard won’t let you in unless you utter the password. Speak with Kallah-Nar at #2 to find out the password.4) Pazaak Den – There are three Pazaak players in here that you need to beat in order to meet the Pazaak Champion. You will either need to win against them 3 times before they give up and admit you are better or use guile and tactics.S4-C8 – This droid loves playing Pazaak.

You can have a few games with it and try to beat it or convine the droid to let you take a look at its programming. Alter the programming so that it’s no longer addicted to Pazaak and you’ll have one less opponent to beat.Dahnis – This pretty girl is just Atton’s type.

If Atton is in your party she’ll let him win in order to flirt with him. That’s two down, one to go.Geredi – If you’re sticking to the Light Side then you’ll have to beat him legitimately three times. Otherwise tell him his “friends” are waiting for him outside.The Champion – Once all three players have been beaten or are no longer playing the Champion will arrive. If you really like playing Pazaak then try and beat him three times. Otherwise convince him that winning all the time isn’t fun. He’ll agree and give you one of the best Pazaak cards, the “Tiebreaker +/- 1”.5) Bar – You’ll meet a few characters here including the bartender, some thugs and a dancing trainer.

This is an optional area but you’ll need to come here if you want to get access to Vogga Hutt’s hoard (A quest given at the Docks).Once you’ve been to the Docks and discovered how to get into Vogga’s hoard you can buy the Juma Juice from the bartender here. The Juice will put Vogga’s Kath Hounds to sleep.Domo, the dancing trainer will complain about not having enough dancers. You can dance yourself, or the Handmaiden will dance as well if she is in your party. This is not necessary as the thugs in this room let you know how to speak with Vogga.If you put your stealth field on and go near to Vogga’s thugs, in the southern partition, you’ll overhear them talking about how no-one can see Vogga unless they have something to say about Goto. Refugee Quad1) Exit to Refugee Landing Pad – As you step into this area you’ll be confronted by a couple of Exchange Thugs.

You can intimidate them to let you through or kill them. Killing them will allow some of the Refugees in this area to escape once you find them later.2) Geriel – This man is sick, showing symptoms of the plague but you can heal him if you have sufficient Treat Injury skill for Light Side points. Convincing him to kill himself will give you Dark Side points.3) Refugee Center – this large area is where most of the Refugees hang out. The Exchange hold the area on the western side of the map and the Serroco gang own the eastern side of the map.Hussef – Speak with Hussef to learn about the refugees and how they are hemmed in on either side by the Exchange and the Serroco gang.

You can help them out by dealing with either or both of these groups. If you are going for DS points persuade Hussef that they are doomed and the Exchange boss, Saquesh, will give you a good reward.Aaida – She is looking for her partner Lootra. If you have been to the docks you’ll know that he’s still alive. You’ll need to have killed the Exchange thugs guarding the exit to allow her to escape. If you have intimidated the thugs the only way to start a fight with them again is to kill their boss, Saquesh.Naddaa – The Exchange has taken her daughter captive #4. For LS points try to help her out.

Later you’ll be able to arrange for her to be freed. Once you’ve rescued Adara go back to Naddaa for LS points.Kaul – If you give him 20 credits he’ll give you a tip to go into Stealth mode when looting containers so the guards won’t notice you.Kahranna – She’s looking for a passage off this moon. You can pretend to by the pilot she’s looking for and collect the credits for DS points or tell her you’ll help find someone.

You’ll find help for her at the Docks.Odis – Is looking for work as a pilot but has no Freighter. You can speak with Fassa at the Docks to organize a Freighter for him or the Lunar Shadow Crewmen.Twi’leks – These two will give you a mysterious message that Atton is not all he appears to be.

You can try to talk to Atton about it but you’ll probably not get any information out of him until you have high influence over him.4) Adana – This is the daughter of Naddaa. Kill the guards and tell her she to wait here. Later you can negotiate with Saquesh #5 and have her released. Go back to her and tell her she’s free to go. Follow her back to her mother, Naddaa, and speak to her for LS points.5) Saquesh – The local Exchange representative.

You can intimidate him and try to get him to release his grip on the refugees. This will result in a fight with him and all of his thugs. Once you kill him though you’ll receive LS points. You can negotiate with him to ease up on the refugees or if you follow the Dark Side agree to remove the refugees by convincing Hussef that they are all doomed.6) Serroco Gang – This area belongs to the Serroco. To gain entrance into this area you’ll need to Persuade the guards posted at the entrances to let you in or begin a fight and kill them.Speak with the Serroco gang leader and try to get him to ease up on the refugees. This won’t work and a fight will begin. It’s a fairly tough battle so get ready with your shields and force powers.Once you’ve cleared the area you’ll be able to explore this section and pick up all the loot.

There’s an Airspeeder here that is currently not operational. Once you find all the parts you’ll be able to fast travel between different locations on Nar Shaddaa.The Airspeeder requires three items.

The Maneuvering Flaps are found in a container in Pylon 3 at the Docks. The Airspeeder Navigation Interface is found in a container just outside of Tienn Tubb’s store at the Refugee Landing Pad. Lastly, the Cryogenic Power Cells are found at the Docks.

Lassavou gives them to you as a reward. Speak to Fassa about releasing his debt. Perform the job that Fassa asks you to do and then ask him to release Lassavou’s debt. Go back to Lassavou and you’ll receive the Cryogenic Power Cells.7) Serroco Storage Area – Lost of good loot here. Docks1) Exit to Refugee Landing Pad – After entering the Docks you’ll see a cutscene betwenn Vogga Hutt and Hanharr.

Head towards Fassa (#2).2) Fassa the Dock Manager – Fassa is quite an important character and will be able to help you solve two quests from the Refugee Quad as well as give you one himself.Fassa’s Freighters – After speaking with Fassa he’ll put you to work identifying the freighters that are coming into the Docks. He wants you to organize the priority of the freighters. You can take the long path and divert the power to each Pylon while running to each one to see the ID of each freighter. The faster route is to fix the power to all Pylons. You can then go to any one of the consoles to see all IDs.

Here’s the solution: Silver Zephyr, Alakandor and lastly, Toorna’s Profits. Return to Fassa for your reward.Lassavou’s Debt – After speaking with Lassavou in one of the containers near to #3 and after completing the Fassa’s Freighters quest you can ask Fassa to let Lassavou’s debt go. Let Lassavou know and you’ll get another piece for the Airspeeder in the Refugee Quad.Kahranna’s Transport – Speak with Kahranna in the Refugee Quad first and agree to help her find passage off Nar Shaddaa. Once you’ve been to Goto’s Yacht come back to Fassa and he’ll agree to let Kahranna find boarding on one of his freighters.Odis’ Pilot Work – In the Refugee Quad you’ll also find Odis who is looking for work as a Freighter Pilot. Speak with Fassa about it once you have been to Goto’s Yacht to complete this quest.3) Vogga’s Horde – There’s a number of people you’ll meet here and I haven’t marked exactly where you’ll find them in each container.

Open each one and see who’s inside.Aqualish Thugs – If you try to approach them they’ll tell you to get lost. Get into Stealth mode and walk close to them. You’ll find out how to break into Vogga’s hoard by dancing for Vogga and then using Juma Juice to sedate the Kath Hounds. Juma Juice can be purchased from the bartender in the Entertainment Promenade.Lunar Shadow Crewman – These guys are looking for a new pilot. You can tell them about Odis in the Refugee Quad for Light Side points or find the pilot in the Jekk’Jekk Tarr area and convince him to return. You’ll need to use a character with a gas mask, not your main character, and go in there to find him.Bith Scientist – The scientist wants you to return with an item from Pylon 3 and he gives you 500 credits to buy it. Heading over to the Pylon 3 (#4) you’ll find the seller is dead.

Read the Datapad and then kill the “cleaning droid” that attacks you. Return to the Bith to find him missing. He’s left a Datapad behind and you get to keep the 500 credits.Lassavou – Speak with Fassa (#2) to complete this quest for the Cryogenic Power Cell which is part of the Airspeeder. For Dark Side points tell him you’ve come to cellect the debt. You’ll get 200 credits by no Cryogenic Power Cell.Lootra – He’s Aida’s husband who you spoke with in the Refugee Quad. To connect them together you’ll need to kill the Exchange Thugs guarding the entrance and then let Aida know the path is clear to go.

If you threaten the thugs you won’t be able to attack them again unless you kill the Exchange boss first.4) Pylon 3 – Head here for the Bith Scientists quest (#3). Search the container here for the Maneuvering Flaps, another piece of the Airspeeder.5) Vogga the Hutt – You can get to see Vogga by either agreeing to dance with him by visiting the Entertainment Promenade or telling him that you want to talk about Goto. If you dance for him he’ll fall asleep.


Put the Juma Juice in the water bowl to put the Kath Hounds to sleep. You’ll now get access to Vogga’s Horde through the door to the north for some pretty cool items including a Lightsaber.You can also talk to Vogga about the Fuel situation on Telos and negotiate a deal for the Telosians after dealing with Goto on the Yacht. Once you have the deal set up you’ll need to talk to Lt. Grenn in the Entertainment 081 area of the Telos Station.6) Vogga’s Storage – You’ll come here with the T3-M4 droid after visiting the Jekk’Jekk Tarr. We’ll come back to this in the walkthrough below.7) Exit to the Jekk’Jekk Tarr – When you have been invited to visit the Jekk’Jekk Tarr Mira (or Hanharr if you are a Dark Side character) will intercept you and go in herself. Jekk’Jekk TarrMira will be the one who actually enters Jekk’Jekk Tarr regardless of whether she or Hanharr intercepted you. You’re goal is to meet with Visquis.

You’ll need to pass through two green colored bars through the door to the right of where you enter. The yellow colored bar through the door to the left is where the Luna Shadow Captain is hiding out. You can convince him to go back to his crew or offer the job to Odis in the Refugee Quad. Mira is unprepared for this encounter and will be captured once she meets Visquis.Your main character will now awaken. Bring him/her to the Jekk’Jekk Tarr to confront Visquis.

You’ll learn Breath Control as you enter so you can breathe in a toxic environment. You’ll need to keep casting it as it runs out or you’ll be poisoned.You’ll be attacked by a LOT of Gand so slice your way through them or use group effect force powers.

Make your way to the room Visquis was in and speak with the attendant to find the exit which is in the northern part of the room. Jekk’Jekk Tarr Tunnels1) Entrance – When you first arrive here as your main character you’ll need to work your way through the tunnels to the sealed door at #2. You’re map won’t be working so an easy way to make it there is to hug the left wall, taking every turn to the left until you reach the sealed door.2) Sealed Door3) Mira vs Hanharr in the Battle Room – Once your main character reaches the sealed door you’ll take control of either Mira or Hanharr in a battle to the death. As Mira use ranged weapons and run away to keep your distance.

Hanharr will run over the mines and make your job easier. As Hanharr just close the distance and swipe away. His expert melee skills will finish Mira quickly.Once the battle is finished Visquis will release the Kath Hounds. Defeat them and then head to #4 for the Keycard.4) Old Beast Tender Corpse – Search the corpse for the Keycard to get out of here. Open the door in the north and get ready to take on the Ubese Bounty Hunters.5) Emergency Tunnel Control – You can explore the whole area with Mira or your main character. To get your main character back proceed to the console here to access all the available escape routes.6) WorkbenchWith your main character head back to the battle arena where you’ll be captured by Goto and taken to his Yacht. Back to the Ebon HawkAfter a cut-scene you’ll be back with T3-M4 in the Docks.

Fight your way past the HK units and you’ll meet up with Mira and Atton. You’ll have a few challenging battles with Zhug Brothers and Gand to get back to the Ebon Hawk. It’s not that they’re tough but there are so many of them. Once you reach the Ebon Hawk you’ll fly off to rescue your main character in Goto’s Yacht. Goto’s YachtYou’ll enter Goto’s Yacht from the hatch in the north. You’ll have plenty of droids to fight here so make sure you have weapons suitable for taking down droids.There are a number of consoles around the ship that will give you access to various functions. You’ll need to find the codes for each function before you have full access to that funcion.

In order to make changes to a function you’ll also need the proper function, such as the Shut Down program or Overload program.You have two main objectives here. The first is to free your main character by making it to the Audience Chamber.

And the second is to get to the bridge, with access to Power Distribution and shut down the power so you can get back to the Ebon Hawk.1) Hatch to Ebon Hawk – You won’t be able to return to the Ebon Hawk until you’ve shut down the Power Distribution from the Bridge.2) Console & Utility Droid – Make sure you have someone with the computer skill and slice into the console. From here you can download the “overload” program. If you don’t you’ll need to kill the Goto Guard Droids and listen to their last transmission. It’s binary code.

Select the correct count to get the program. Here are the answers.zero zero zero = 0zero zero one = 1zero one zero = 2zero one one = 3one zero zero = 4one zero one = 5one one zero = 6one one one = 7Either that or slice the control to get the program which is much easier.

The Utility Droid next to the console will have the “shut down” program.3) Goto Starboard Commander – Kill the droid and search it for the access code to the Containment Cells. Use the console here to upload the two programs you’ve received “overload” and “shut down”. Unlock the containment cells and run the “shut down” program on it to remove the shields. You’ll now have access to these cells.4) Damaged Droid – This little droid isn’t going anywhere. Search it for the Turret Defense access code. Use a console and unlock the Turret Defense System. Once again run the “shut down” program on the Turret Defense System.5) Turrets – Hopefully you’ve shut these Turrets down but if not you can use some shields on all of your characters and take the down.

There are droids here as well just to make things more difficult.6) Main Character & Power Distribution Access Code – Head to this room to rescue your main character. Make sure you use the console here as it’s the only place where you can acquire the Power Distribution access code. Use a console to unlock the Power Distribution but you can only shut it down from the Bridge.7) Damaged Droid – This little droid will have the “reset” program.8) Lab Station9) Workbench10) Defense Turrets – This room is lined with Defense Turrets but they’re not too difficult to take down with the flurry. On the way back from the bridge this is also where you’ll run into the Twin Suns bounty hunters.Continue towards the east and you’ll come across some mines and a Goto Central Commander.

Kill the droid and search the remains to find the Minefield access code.11) Command Console – Use the console here to unlock the Minefield system. Either use the “overload” or “shut down” program.

If they’re in overload they will still work but will explode when the droids at #12 run over them.12) Mines and Droids – There is a corridor of mines with droids beyond them. Either shoot at the droids in solo mode and let them run over the mines towards you. Once the droids are dealt with you’ll be able to disable the mines and get to the bridge.13) Bridge – Check the cylinder on the right as you enter for some nice items and the Droid Controller access code. It’s a bit late now that all the droids are dead!Use the Central Command Console and and run the “shut down” program on the Power Distribution system. You get the access code for it at #6. You’ll now be able to open the hatch to get back to the Ebon Hawk.On the way back you’ll come across thugs and bounty hunters.

Most notably the Twin Suns who will attack you at #10. Continue back to the Ebon Hawk and you’ll return to the Nar Shaddaa Docks to meet Zez-Kai Ell.

DocksAfter taking out the Hk-50 droids speak with Fassa and complete any missions you need to complete. Such as find a job for the pilot from the Refugee Quad. Head up to the north and speak with Vogga the Hutt. He’ll give you 500 credits to go back to the Telos Station and organise a deal with Lt. Dol Grenn at the TSF office in the Entertainment 081 area.Fly back to the Telos Station now to complete the deal or continue to the next planet. I choose Onderon but you’ll end up having to escape to the Onderon moon, Dxun when you get there.Next:Back.

. WW: July 21, 2015Mode(s)Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords is a developed by and published.

It is the sequel to 's and was released for the on December 6, 2004, for on February 8, 2005, and and on July 21, 2015. Like its predecessor, it is set in the universe 4,000 years before the events of the film and is based on the developed. The game uses the, which was originally used in Knights of the Old Republic. The plot first started being written before the original Knights of the Old Republic was released, and development began in October 2003, after BioWare offered Obsidian their Star Wars license due to being confident in their previous work.Knights of the Old Republic II starts five years after the events of the first game and follows the story of The Exile, a who was exiled from the Jedi Order.

During this time, the Jedi Order has been almost completely wiped out by the. The game begins with the protagonist waking up from unconsciousness on an facility. After he or she escapes with the help of their party members, they find the person who exiled them ten years ago, who sends the protagonist on a mission to seek out the remaining Jedi to fight against the Sith.The game's critical reception upon its release was generally positive; praise was given to the story, characters, and writing, which were noted to be more grey than the original Knights of the Old Republic. Particular praise was given to one of the game's party members, with naming her the best video game character of 2005. However, the game received criticism for being too similar to its predecessor in terms of graphics and gameplay systems. The game was included in the book. Screenshot from the first level of the game illustrating the interface and combat system.Knights of the Old Republic II is a played from a that features combat.

Combat and interactions with the environment and in Knights of the Old Republic II are based on the as in. The game starts with a character creation screen with several choices to make, and there is also an option of letting the game do it automatically. There are 30 new powers, which are manifestations of the Force, in Knights of the Old Republic II. Like its predecessor, the game has several, including swoop bike racing and a card game called Pazaak.

The interface has been streamlined from the original game and party management has been made easier; for example, the player can switch between two selected weapon sets in the menu. As in the first game, the player can choose to align with either the light side or the dark side.

Choosing dialogue options that are respectful and empathetic gives the protagonist light side points, while options that are egotistic and evil result in dark side points.The combat of Knights of the Old Republic II is identical to its predecessor. Several new forms were added to the game. Each of them is useful for a different situation. For example, one is best for enemies using blaster weapons, while another would be good for recovering from using Force powers. The player can use a variety of melee and ranged weapons, including swords and firearms.

Fighting unarmed is also an option. A new addition to the game is 'prestige classes', add-ons to the Jedi classes that were established in Knights of the Old Republic. They allow the player character to practice in lightsaber combat or Force powers, depending on player choice.The player can travel with up to two party members at a time, which gain at the same rate as the player character. Equipment and perks for party characters can be selected for different statistical effects or abilities. Players can corpses and various environmental objects. The protagonist also has the ability to 'influence' their party members; by doing things that impress them, the player increases their influence with them. Depending on the level of influence, party members may support the player character unconditionally or turn against the protagonist.

The player can also exploit high influence by drawing party members to either the light side or the dark side, and some characters can even be trained to use the Force. Synopsis Setting The game takes place five years after the events of Knights of the Old Republic and 4,000 years before, in a time when the have been nearly exterminated by the. The player's character, a former Jedi Knight exiled from the Jedi Order, is referred to as 'The Exile' or 'Jedi Exile'. Throughout the game, the Exile restores their connection to the Force while, with the help of non-playable companions, setting out to stop the Sith. The player makes choices that turn the Exile to either the light side or the dark side of the Force, and they travel to six planets to either help or hinder the Republic's efforts to bring peace and stability to the galaxy.New playable locations in Knights of the Old Republic II include Telos IV, Onderon and its moon Dxun, Nar Shaddaa, Malachor V, the Peragus Mining Facility, and various starships such as the hijacked Republic cruiser Harbinger, the Sith cruiser Ravager, and Goto's yacht orbiting Nar Shaddaa. Two planets featured in the original game, Korriban and, are revisited, both with ravaged buildings and intensified problems. The, the main character's ship in the first game, is also the player's transportation in Knights of the Old Republic II.

Characters The Exile's backstory reveals that the character served under during the Mandalorian Wars and ordered the activation of a devastating weapon in the climactic battle over Malachor V. The deaths that ensued created such a substantial 'wound' in that the character was forced to sever their connection to the Force to survive, and the Jedi Council ordered the character exiled from the Jedi Order. As the game progresses, the Jedi Exile rebuilds a connection to the Force and creates unusually strong Force Bonds with other characters and places, while unknowingly sapping Force powers.Among the characters who join the Jedi Exile are, who acts as the Exile's mentor; pilot and former Sith; technician and Mandalorian War veteran and his droid remote; the criminal droid; and the Sith apprentice. And (now identified as '), both featured in the first game, also join the Exile's team. Other characters join the Exile's party under certain conditions., who appears in the first game, joins the quest if the Exile collects and uses the parts necessary to reactivate him. Depending on the player's alignment, the Exile will either be joined by the (light side or neutral) or by her rival, a bounty hunter known as (dark side). Depending on the player's gender (canonically female), the Exile will either be joined by Mical the Disciple (female) or Brianna the (male).The game features three main antagonists: Darth Traya, a mysterious assailant who remains in the dark through most of the game;, an undead Sith Lord with a murderous hatred for Jedi; and, a Sith Lord whose physical being was destroyed due to his immense affinity to the Force.

Plot While hiding on the Harbinger, a Republic cruiser, the Exile is sedated by HK-50, an assassin droid, to be delivered to a crime syndicate called the Exchange, who have put out a bounty on live Jedi. The Exile is rescued by Kreia, with whom the Exile forms a Force Bond with, and the droid T3-M4 on the Ebon Hawk, and the three flee the Harbinger as it is hijacked by a squad of Sith assassins. However, their ship is damaged during the escape by the Harbinger 's gunfire, and they eventually arrive at the Peragus Mining Facility.

Teaming up with smuggler Atton Rand, the group escapes to the planet Telos IV. While hiding out on Telos, they encounter Atris, a surviving member of the Jedi Council who sentenced the protagonist to exile ten years prior. After settling a dispute regarding the Exile's past sentence, Atris forms an uneasy alliance with them, instructing them to seek out other surviving Jedi in order to rally against the Sith. The Exile then travels to four worlds to find reclusive Jedi Masters and either beg for their aid or kill them in revenge for being exiled, depending on player choice. As the Exile continues their journey, they are joined by several individuals in their quest.After finding all the Masters, the Exile travels back to and learns that the countless deaths at Malachor V resulted in the Exile unconsciously giving up their connection to the Force, which then became the teachings of the new Sith. If the player aided the Jedi Masters, they prepare to strip the Exile of their Force connection permanently, as the Masters fear that these teachings could result in the actual death of the Force, but Kreia reveals herself to be the former leader of the Sith and murders them all in retribution.

If the player killed the Jedi Masters, Kreia attacks the Exile and leaves. Tracking Kreia to Telos, the Exile fights and defeats a corrupted Atris, from whom it is learned that Kreia plans to strengthen a massive wound in the Force made ten years prior. This wound had been created by the Exile during the Mandalorian Wars, when they activated a superweapon in order to end the battle on the planet Malachor V, causing mass death and destruction. Before following her to Malachor V, where Kreia had since rejoined the Sith as Darth Traya, the Exile stops a Sith invasion of Telos, defeating one of Traya's former apprentices, the Sith Lord Darth Nihilus. On Malachor V, the Exile is separated from their companions and fights through hordes of monsters on the planet's surface and the inhabitants of a large Sith Academy that survived the cataclysm.

On the final floor of the academy, the Exile kills the Sith Lord Darth Sion and confronts Darth Traya in the planet's core.The Exile defeats the Sith Lord, but before Traya dies, she delivers a prophetic vision of the future pertaining to the player's companions and the worlds that were visited over the course of the story. Depending on the Exile's alignment, they either order the destruction of Malachor V, escaping before it is destroyed, and travel into the Unknown Regions in search of Revan (light side), or remain on Malachor V as the new Dark Lord of the Sith (dark side). Development. ( pictured) was the of Knights of the Old Republic II.Knights of the Old Republic II was developed by and published.

It is the sequel to 's Knights of the Old Republic, and it uses the same as the original game. BioWare suggested that Obsidian should be offered the Knights of the Old Republic license due to their familiarity with Obsidian's past work and the good relationship between the two developers, as well as due to finding LucasArts' development schedule for the sequel to be too tight. The game was released in and versions, but due to the Xbox version being released two months prior to the PC version, it has multiple unfixed bugs.Development of the game began in October 2003.

The overview of the game's story was originally drafted before the first Knights of the Old Republic was released, after which it saw many revisions and also some major redrafts. In preparation to write Knights of the Old Republic II, lead designer tried to learn as much about the universe as possible. He read many books, guides, modules, and graphic novels, and the Obsidian team also relied on the first Knights of the Old Republic and the original Star Wars films for inspiration. Avellone said that Obsidian recognized one of the things that made Knights of the Old Republic great was the story and the companions, and that they tried to expand upon this by adding more depth to them.Knights of the Old Republic II uses the same as the first Knights of the Old Republic with some changes, and the level cap has also been removed. For the most part, the team didn't want to redo any of the design elements from the first game, as they felt that there was no need to change anything that had already proved successful; instead, they opted to look for areas that could be improved and expanded upon them in a way that retained the base style of Knights of the Old Republic.

Obsidian put much work into the game's graphics, including the appearances of non-player characters. Other technological improvements include the lighting and weather effects, in addition to increasing the level sizes. Knights of the Old Republic II 's lead artist was Aaron Meyers; he decided which people would join the art team after looking through 'tons of applications, resumes, and demo reels', and he said that he was pleased with the number of people who wanted to work for Obsidian. Meyers also complained about the short deadline the development team had to deal with. Obsidian's, Chris Parker, said that the schedule set for the development team was 'extremely aggressive', and that the team felt a lot of pressure because they were 'making a sequel to the for 2003'.For the music, the development team felt that symphony orchestra would work best for Knights of the Old Republic II. The musical score was composed by, who developed music and themes for characters and places, including the Jedi's theme, 's theme and 's theme (which both have many similarities with the Emperor's theme from The Return of the Jedi). He also created a theme for the main character, which is heard occasionally when he or she experiences internal conflict.

The 55-minute score was recorded by the Sinfonia Orchestra in. The opening crawl utilizes the version of ' main Star Wars theme that was re-recorded for the prequel trilogy.When Obsidian was preparing to present Knights of the Old Republic II at, they tried to fit as much information as they could, saying that it would need to be a duration of 30 minutes as it was the only E3 event it would be showcased at; however, due to the limited time frame, they would have to cut it down to a five- to ten-minute presentation. During this time, none of the Obsidian designed were ready to be shown, so they picked three levels and put them through a schedule to finish them on time. The was finished a few days before the event, and the game was presented in May 2004.

The first for Knights of the Old Republic II was later unveiled in July 2004, and the official website was launched in October.When looking back at Knights of the Old Republic II in a 2013 interview, Avellone said that because of LucasArts forcing Obsidian to finish the game in a short time frame of 14 to 16 months, the game ended up being in an 'unfinished' state. However, Avellone said that Obsidian was at fault for this due to not cutting out enough things; he noted that all minigames should have been removed, and also said that there were too many in-engine. Obsidian's co-founder, said that the game was originally going to be released in 2005, but it was later moved up to December 2004 after E3; according to him, Obsidian had to choose between 'getting in trouble or getting it done'. Due to this, several cuts had to be made; one of the most major was the droid planet M4-78, which was entirely removed from the game after the 2004 E3 event when the team realized that they wouldn't be able to fit it into the schedule. M4-78's designer, explained that he moved assets from that planet to Nar Shaddaa's yacht level in order to complete it on time, which was prior also likely to be cut from the game.The Xbox version of Knights of the Old Republic II went on November 23, 2004; it was later released on December 6, 2004 in the United States, and the PC version was released on February 8, 2005. In Europe, the game was released simultaneously for both platforms on February 11. The game was later re-released in August 2012 on the platform, and in January 2015 on.

On July 21, 2015, and versions were released along with new support for and other Steamworks features, input, and modern resolutions up to. For the was announced in April 2018.Along with several official, a by a community fixed around 500 remaining, along with restoring most of the content that was cut from the game. There were also methods found by the community for improving compatibility on modern PC operating systems.

Reception Commercial performance According to, Knights of the Old Republic II sold 458,000 copies in North America during the month of December 2004. It entered their chart for the month at number 11, and at number 3 on the Xbox-only chart. After its North American release on Windows, it debuted at number 2 on the PC chart for the month of February.

In the United Kingdom, the game debuted at the top of the weekly chart, beating 's much-anticipated online game, which was released in the same week. Eurogamer reported that in the UK Knights of the Old Republic II sold much more in its first week than the first game, which the website speculates was helped by the former's simultaneous release on Windows and Xbox in PAL regions, as opposed to the latter's initial Xbox-only release. During 2005 alone, the Xbox version sold more than 60,000 copies in the region.By early 2006, Knights of the Old Republic II had sold almost 1.5 million copies. Its sales in the United States alone reached 1.275 million by 2008.

Critical reception ReceptionReview scoresPublicationScoreB90/1008/104.5/54.5/58.5/108.5/104/5GameZone8.9/109.3/108.7/109.3/10Aggregate scores86%6/100Knights of the Old Republic II was met with positive reception upon its release; on, it has an score of 85/100 and 86/100 on the PC and Xbox versions respectively, indicating 'generally favorable reviews' according to the site. Said that there is a bulk of pressure involved with developing the sequel to a game from a different developer which won several ' awards, and that Obsidian delivered. The review also said that it won't disappoint fans of the original game and that it is mostly similar to it in terms of the model.

Praised both the first and second Knights of the Old Republic and said that the second game continues the series' tradition of not fixing what is not broken. Echoed this statement, also saying that both the good things and the shortcomings from the first game are present in Knights of the Old Republic II.compared the game to from the original film trilogy in that it is the best of the series in terms of story, and also said that the game has the best story in a video game since. Otk brake pad shims. Wrote that Obsidian surpassed the original Knights of the Old Republic in terms of the writing, saying that the plot is more consistent, the dialogue is edgier and the moral choices are more significant; agreed, writing, 'your decision making, as you pursue a light or dark path, is more ambiguous, with more unexpected consequences'.

Said that compared to the original game, Knights of the Old Republic II 's plot is 'far more grey'. The review also said that planets are 'better developed and paced'. GameZone wrote that the game is a 'Must Buy' for people who like well-written characters and story.The combat was generally well-received, with some reviewers noting that it is mostly unchanged from the original Knights of the Old Republic. GameSpot compared the combat from the first Knights of the Old Republic to the second, saying that it isn't well-balanced in both; however, the reviewer wrote that it helps the combat remain spontaneous. GameZone said that the combat is not changed from the first Knights of the Old Republic to the second, but that this is a good thing since the combat in the original was enjoyable. IGN praised the game's, saying that it is easy to control the main character alone without controlling the party members.

GameSpy's reviewer, on the other hand, said that he encountered problems with the combat AI that were not present in the original Knights of the Old Republic.GameSpot criticized Knights of the Old Republic II 's graphics, calling them 'lackluster'. GameSpy's reviewer felt that the game's graphics were disappointing, calling them 'a little dated' and 'half-baked'. The reviewer further criticized the graphics for looking the same as they were in the first game of the series, saying that they could only be considered 'good' during the release of that game. GameZone said that the game looks exactly the same as the original Knights of the Old Republic and that it doesn't compare to the majority of mainstream games released at the time.

GameSpy called the music in the game 'excellent'; however, the reviewer noted that some of it is re-used from the first game of the series. The GameSpy reviewer also said that while the majority of the voice-acting is good, there are 'a few more examples of bad voice-acting' than in the first Knights of the Old Republic.

GameZone said that the 'top-notch' voice acting complements the game's very well-written dialogue, and also praised the game's sound effects.The game was criticized for its; several players reported having problems with bugs. 1UP.com's reviewer condemned Knights of the Old Republic II for having the same bugs and technical issues as in the first game, saying that his party 'still had a tendency to warp and skip around the map at times', and he also criticized the pathfinding in the game. GameSpy said that the game's bugs are 'hard to forgive', and that these issues didn't occur in the first Knights of the Old Republic. In a different article, GameSpy said that the game is incomplete, and attributed this to its rushed deadline.GameSpy called Kreia the best video game character of 2005, saying that she was 'easily the most intriguing, complicated, enigmatic, well-designed and nuanced character in a video game this year'. In 2010, the game was included as one of the titles in the book.

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P. 586.External links. at.

on, a Star Wars wiki.