Batman Arkham Origins Mad Hatter

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Mad Hatter is a villain skilled with hypnosis. Obsessed from a young age with Lewis Caroll's novel Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Jervis Tetch embraced a delusion that he was the incarnation of a character from the story, the Mad Hatter. With his skills for mesmerism, Mad Hatter has committed several crimes, usually themed around the book that inspired him and his love of hats. Oct 25, 2013  The Mad Hatter makes an appearance in Batman Arkham Origins as a side quest. His mean sing you a nice little tune and invite you to his party. This guide will help you get through the madness and come out on top! Let's get started and beat the Mad Hatter at his own game.

Enigma: I bet it takes a lot of concentration to steer that thing. (Starts breaking stuff loudly) WHOOPS! SORRY ABOUT THAAAAT!!!!. The last two codes for the Enigma signal blockers?. The fight against Electrocutioner.

He got his own trailer and news articles about him being confirmed, then in-game he comes into the arena, taunting Batman about how easily he will kill him, never once attacks him. Only to be knocked out by a single flying kick to the face in front of his audience. Note When he returns to the Batcave, Batman mentions that a child could have avoided that move. Especially if you remember that, in a similar instance, that the previous games practically beat that fact that you can't outright punch regular goons wielding electric batons into you, so you spent some time wondering how you're gonna get around his electric gloves. Criminals: You are very cordially - cordially - cordially - you are very cordially - invited to a party!

And it will be a grand affair - grand affair - grand affair - and it will be a grand affair - hosted by the Hatter! We do hope that you can come - you can come - you can come - we do hope that you can come - to share in all the joy! (then all their heads get zapped by the Hatter and they pass out). hacking into Batman's comms without him noticing until after he left. Regardless of the, the fact that she apologizes for doing it and not telling him is priceless. Even better, Batman doesn't even respond.

Batman Arkham Origins Mad Hatter

It's easy to get the impression that after, he is just. Not only that, but he never once replies to her throughout the entire sidequest. At that point, it wouldn't be surprised if he was just being silent in case she was doing a voice recognition scan. As awesome as it is, the sheer extent of the of Joker near the end is. There's even ◊ of Batman making. In the ending, Gordon has Batman at gunpoint in more or less broad daylight, and, while still aiming at him, answers his police radio.

Batman Arkham Origins Mad Hatter Walkthrough

When he lets it go, Batman. One possible line while Batman is facing off against the last remaining thug in a group. Criminal A: Oh man, I can't wait.

I'm going straight to O'Kane's, havin' a pint.Criminal B: What's it been for you man, eight years?Criminal A: Twelve.Criminal B: And what they put you in for?Criminal A: Drinkin' and drivin'.Criminal C: Ha, an' you're gonna go have a pint?Criminal A: What are you, the damn parole board? I ain't rehabilitated, and I'm really thirsty.Criminal C: Whatever, just don't drive. You could kill someone.Criminal A: Yeah yeah, don't worry. What are you in for, anyway?Criminal C (matter-of-fact):. During the final encounter with the Joker, letting him speak leads to this gem.

Joker: If you actually let me finish a sentence, you might learn something! You might learn we're. You might even learn something about yourself.Batman:. ' Not so bad if Penguin's boys are saying it. But when the goons are Well, that's a whole 'nother level. If you take long enough when taking out Joker's thugs in the Gotham Merchant's Bank, Joker goes from irritated that Batman's still alive, to gleeful that Batman's deliberately dragging out his dispatching of the goons and making it a performance.

Joker: Well, sounds like I can cross 'hear a grown man cry' off my Christmas list. Thanks, fellas!. Post-game, you can find mooks who'd defected from Penguin's squad deciding to just act as if they'd never defected since no-one could prove it in the midst of all the craziness of the night. There's a conversation between mooks discussing Batman's priorities when it comes to targeting the criminals of Gotham. After reaching the conclusion that Batman should prioritize and take out the likes of Penguin and Black Mask over the nameless thugs, one thug randomly yells out ' Y'HEAR THAT, BAT? And is immediately admonished for doing so since the Bat might be listening.

During the Firefly battle, Batman can throw his glue grenade at him. Firefly:. In an optional, Bruce can partake in a series of discussions with Alfred about an unusually large and abnormally clever green-eyed bat living in the caverns (hinted to possibly be a former test subject of Kirk Langstrom's). At first disgusted by and fearful of 'King Bat', particularly after it makes off with an entire roast chicken, Alfred eventually develops a rapport with him, and forbids Bruce from trying to apprehend the creature.


In one of these optional discussions, Alfred communicates his concern regarding the difficulty in tracking down Enigma due to his seemingly unlimited financial resources and technical mastery, implying it's not. When Branden and his SWAT team arrive to arrest the Joker after Batman saves him from imminent death. I said, you need to push the button to open the gate!Thug #2: I know I'm late! Just tell me how to get to ya!Thug #1: I SAID, YOU NEED TO PUSH THE BUTTON TO OPEN THE GATE!!Thug #2: I already ate! Stop screwing around, and tell me how to get to you!Thug #1:. Just look at the thug handing Shiva her envelope during the cutscene.

After seeing her without breaking a sweat, he edges toward her as carefully as possible, then scurries away when she has it. In the Cold, Cold Heart DLC, some of Penguin's goons decide to raid Wayne Manor's wine cellar while they've got the opportunity. Thug #2: Yeah, I know, but.It's Vicki Vale, man!. Continuing the theme of Gotham City's petty criminals having very poor taste, one of the thugs insists that the Waynes' collection of rare Imperial Chinese artifacts are worthless, due to.


The jade statue, on the other hand? That's buying him some new rims.

The Burnley comms tower is infamous due to the glitched air vent (it's been patched). When you get close to Burnley, which has been closed off from the rest of the city by ice, you can see that the tower has been damaged by the ice so badly that it's fallen over. After being frozen in a wall of ice by Mr. Freeze, Penguin sends you out to retrieve a cryodrill to release him.

When you return, several of Penguin's men are already chipping away at the ice, and he is not happy about how long it's taking. Penguin: Do you know the first thing I'm going to do when I get out of here?


I'm going to have Candy draw me a nice, hot bath. AND THEN I'M GOING TO DROWN YOU IN IT!!!.

After Alfred suggests to Bruce that the Extreme Environment suit would be more beneficial, Bruce responds that it's not ready for deployment. This coming from the same man who requests experimental gadget after gadget while in the field, which are also supposedly not ready for deployment. While infiltrating the hotel, Joker informs Batman that.

The player naturally rushes around the corner.