Armageddon Steel Legion Wallpaper

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Featuring a new playable race for the game with many new units and functions. This race is based on the 40k Background and features the imperial guard troops of Armageddon called Steel Legion. The idea behind the mod is to bring in a new strategie game play where units are more specialist and more.


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Armageddon Steel Legion Wallpaper Designs

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I can't speak as to whether or not they used Chimeras in there-but it's absurd to assume that when fighting operations that are not siege operations they'd use Centaurs when they do have Chimeras available to them.And as a sidenote: page 114 of Imperial Armour volume one. The middle Chimera is a 'Mars Pattern Chimera armed with a multi-laser. Krieg 18th Armoured Regiment during the Barbarius campaign. This vehicle is from the first squad, second platoon, first Armoured Fist Company'. In short, it's both cool and fluffy for him to make a Steel Legion army. I say go for it.It's 'cool' but 'fluffy'? Eh.Like I said: pretty much every major Guard archetype has some form of 'mech-grenadiers' setup.

Many of them even had them in Imperial Armour volume one.Maybe it's just my bias for not really liking seeing 'specific' regiments being used as stand-ins for others without a really good explanation.Krieg and Steel Legion look almost exactly the same, model wise. Steel Legion is more or less a 3.0e rendition of Krieg. These are the awkward poses I'm talking about.Automatically Appended Next Post:If you went off of pure description then the only main difference is the color scheme of their two uniforms.From LexicanumSteel Legion'Guardsmen of the Steel Legion wear a uniform of mustard yellow greatcoat, heavy boots and gloves, gas-masks and rounded bowl helmets over black fatigues.' DKoK'Appearance-wise, the Death Korps are similar to the Armageddon Steel Legion, but have darker colors, and their masks usually have a skull motif.' I know its not official fluff or anything but to me only real difference between the figs is that the DKoK models are much more detailed and realistic than the old metal Steel Legion models.This message was edited 1 time.

Last update was at 2011/03/02 01:26:41.