Star Trek Legacy 2

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  1. Star Trek 2 Cast

Contents SummaryStar Trek: Legacy spans all eras and allows you to play as the and in single player and the, or in multiplayer (as well as the Federation). There are sixty different types of ships available to command, divided across the four playable races. The years that the game takes place in are: , ( 7106.7), (stardate 7489.6) (although is referred to as an admiral instead of captain and he commands the, instead of the refit NCC-1701), (stardate 10372.6), (stardate 45252.6), and (stardate 57327.8).Some of the 'hero' starships (that the main character plays as) include, the original and the. It does also include the (during the Enterprise era) as well as being the first Star Trek game to feature a starship.Star Trek: Legacy was released in, intended to coincide with the of Star Trek only three months earlier.Star Trek: Legacy begins in the year 2159 and ends in 2380, a span of 221 years.Plot summaryIn May of 2159, and the save a named T'Uerell from the. After this, there is a series of missions that Archer is assigned to, and comes to learn that T'Uerell is behind many disasters in the including infecting planets with toxins, destroying a Starfleet facility with crew members on board, and attempting to use toxins to annihilate. This plan is thwarted by Captain Archer and his task force.

Page 2 of the full game walkthrough for Star Trek: Legacy. This guide will show you how to earn all of the achievements. Directed by Robert Scheerer. With Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes, LeVar Burton, Michael Dorn. The crew of the Enterprise enters into orbit around the home planet of their former crew-mate, Tasha Yar, where they encounter her sister. Good news for our Sekiro, Resident Evil 2 (2019), Vampire the Masquerade - Bloodlines, Dawn of Man, and Surviving Mars communities! As of version 0.18.5, our new mod manager Vortex now supports modding for all of the above games meaning you can use Vortex to mod 59 different games total.

T'Uerell goes into hiding and is not heard from until the late.One hundred and eleven years later, in, Captain and the, along with a task force, head deep into space to capture an experimental vessel, a. After Kirk is able to capture the ship with a, he infiltrates Klingon space and finds T'Uerell scheming with the Klingons to once again destroy the Federation with a Klingon beam weapon. The weapon is destroyed, but T'Uerell flees again, much to Kirk's ire.

Two years later, in 2272, Admiral Kirk and the crew of the Enterprise thwart T'Uerell's plan to conquer the Federation, and learn that she is working with strange that are assimilating Klingon vessels. Many ships are destroyed in the resulting conflict. During the attack, thousands of destroy in a three distance. Kirk asks Starfleet to develop the. Kirk is disappointed that he did not defeat T'Uerell and concludes his quest.In 2333, Captain of the is monitoring a fight between the Romulans and T'Uerell's ship. As she is vastly outgunned and outnumbered, T'Uerell activates a Borg device, which destroys an unpopulated planet and causes large pieces of stellar debris to break off from the and head for the Phidian star system filled with hundreds of millions of people. The resulting shock wave from the planetoid's core hits the Stargazer and Ruhalter is killed.

His first officer, takes command and heads to a starbase. After the ship is somewhat repaired, the Stargazer takes a task force inside the system and destroys many pieces of stellar debris. Later, the task force saves three heavily-populated, Phidian I, II, and III, with the help of modified now armed with, which the task force dragged into orbit. Later, a huge piece of stellar debris breaks off the planetoid and heads for a planet, Phidian III.

Picard realizes that he will not be able to break it up with his ship's phasers and, but will be able to destroy it by using the ship's tractor beam to drag other debris into the huge stellar debris (although it is possible to destroy it with the ship's weapons). After obliterating the immense piece of stellar debris, the system is saved from annihilation. Picard is then promoted to captain and takes command of the Stargazer.Thirty-five years later, in 2368, is taking the newly-completed into a -filled system for its first trial run. Sisko notes that there are warp dampeners all over, which makes use of the ships' impossible. Shortly after this discovery, the ship unfortunately runs into three Romulan and has to take evasive maneuvers, since she cannot escape at warp. Sisko and his crew are soon captured and are placed at a Romulan starbase while their ship is impounded.

Fortunately, the, commanded by Captain Picard, comes to the rescue by beaming an in and setting the Defiant's crew free. After destroying enough warp dampeners, the Defiant, the Enterprise-D and the task force leave at warp. Sisko records a log entry stating he had seen a Vulcan ship under attack as he and the Enterprise-D fled the system.

Sisko files a complaint with. He is told that this is not the first case of a Vulcan ship doing strange things like that. Sisko then says that he plans to discover more about it but admits that it probably 'won't be to (his) liking.' Twelve years later, in 2380 (shortly after the events of ), Picard, along with the and new personnel head into a final confrontation with T'Uerell. T'Uerell's once pristine Vulcan ship is now overrun with Borg technology.

Picard is aided by the help of Admiral and her old starship the. They meet with T'Uerell and learn her true intentions.

She plans to conquer the Alpha Quadrant with the Borg. She believes that everything she has done, including the deaths of many Starfleet personnel have been for the greater good. Picard and Janeway try to convince her otherwise, but she refuses to listen. Janeway leaves the system and tells Picard that '(she) will be back with some friends' and orders Picard to defend Federation colonies from assimilation. Picard succeeds and orders that the ship be taken to.T'Uerell and the Borg cubes make their way to and the Deep Space 9 space station. Picard and his task force help to defend the Klingon and Romulan forces, showing how far things have gone in the past 200 years. With the loyalty Picard has garnered, the Romulan and Klingon starships place themselves under his flag.

The forces engage T'Uerell and her Borg allies and they are defeated. With that, T'Uerell escapes with the Enterprise-E in hot pursuit.After this, T'Uerell flees to a star system with many Borg vessels, with Janeway noting that she will not be able to leave, because of the Trickster String. After destroying a, the Federation/Klingon/Romulan forces, along with the Enterprise-E and its task force engage T'Uerell. After destroying the st.

Take charge as commanding officer of the Federation, Klingons, Borgs, or Romulans in Star Trek: Legacy and lead your task force of war ships into intergalactic battle. Featuring the voice talents of William Shatner, Patrick Stewart, Avery Brooks, Kate Mulgrew, and Scott Bakula, the game offers a three-series single-player campaign, or multiplayer action that spans the history of the full Star Trek story beginning with the original series in 1966 and ending with Enterprise in 2005.Select from over 60 spaceships including the Enterprise, the Borg Cube, the cloaking device equipped Klingon vessel, small scout ships, light cruisers, and more while also choosing a captain and the equipment for battle.

Navigate your fleet of up to four ships through nebulas, wormholes, planets, and stars as you avoid or engage the enemy in small two-craft skirmishes or large-scale combat featuring over a dozen ships fighting at one time.Complete missions and earn command points by taking direct control of your space cruisers or by giving your fleet universal orders. Earned points can be used for upgrades including weapons, shields, engines, or completely new vessels.

Options to customize your fleet are included so you can stand apart from other players cruising the online multiplayer environment, which offers both competitive and cooperative gameplay.William Shatner is 75 years old. He looks great for his age, but let's face facts: the odds of getting him to perform as Captain Kirk again in a Star Trek production that includes all five captains from the long-running series are just about nil.

That's only one of the many, many missed opportunities on display in Star Trek: Legacy, a tragically mediocre space combat game. It didn't have to be that way. This game could have been the be all and end all for Trek fans and action gamers alike instead of the sad capstone to a long history of crappy licensed video games.The game starts off well enough. Star Trek: Legacy places gamers in the center seat of a starship commander. In addition to their own ship, players can also take command of a taskforce consisting of up to three other vessels.

Players can give remote commands to their ships or jump around and command them manually if the need arises. For a Trek nerd, this is easily the game's highlight. There are about 80 vessels in the game, covering the franchise's four major races and every series and movie. The level of love and care lavished on these models really comes through.


Every major Starfleet vessel, from Captain Archer's NX-01 to Kirk's original ship to Picard's Enterprise-D and E, is represented, looking almost exactly the way they did on the television shows. As ships take damage, pieces of them fly off, they get carbon scoring across their superstructure and they trail beautiful strings of plasma. The sound effects for these explosions are excellent, and those for phasers and transporters are spot-on reproductions of the originals.It's too bad that the rest of the game's graphics don't match up to the love and attention paid to the ships.

Ship and starbase breakups are a joke. When something in Legacy is destroyed, it cracks up into huge polygonal objects that twist around and pass through one another. The game also tends to duplicate pieces of what's being destroyed multiple times during an explosion. The first time I noticed this was watching the Enterprise-D be destroyed and I realized that there were six engine nacelles swirling through the wreckage. Every inch of outer space is so filled with multicolored nebulae that at times I thought the Federation had recently colonized a lava lamp.

Planet models are way too small in relation to starship models and the collision system is just silly - objects just bounce off one another. This wouldn't be so bad if said bouncing didn't screw up an already problematic targeting system.Trek fans will be fairly pleased with the storyline - if they can follow it. The script (or at least the parts of it that survived), written by veteran Trek scribe Dorothy Fontana and Derek Chester, is very good.

It details a bizarre plot by a long-lived Vulcan scientist whose convoluted plot manages to involve all five of the series' captains. The bad news is that the storyline can be a bit hard to follow. Missions that were cut prior to release ended up bowdlerizing the story, resulting in strange jumps in the narrative, plot twists that come out of nowhere, a strange lack of motivation for some of the actions that take place and a general unsatisfactory feeling to the single-player campaign.

Fortunately, the main menu has an 'Extras' button that contains some rough animatics for what were obviously planned as cutscenes. These should help gamers piece the story together, though it's pathetic that Mad Dog had to resort to putting in half-finished work just to hold the story together. All five captains do a decent job reading their lines, although some are obviously more enthusiastic than others (Scott Bakula sounds bitter, probably over Enterprise getting cut short).The game starts to break down pretty rapidly after that.

To start with, the controls are simply atrocious. Players control their ships from a third-person perspective and use the WASD keys to change their ship heading and the mouse to control camera movements. That seemed to be the plan at least, because in practice this system barely works. It's incredibly hard to get a lock on the ship you actually want to target and it's impossible to actually lock the camera in place. Ship movement and steering is very slow. In some sense this is true to the franchise as players are using the space equivalent of battleships, not fighters.

There's slow, and then there's steering like a pregnant whale. Most of Legacy's ships fall into the latter category.Even this might have been overlooked had the battles been tactically interesting. No such luck. The missions and combat situations in Legacy are just boring when they're not tear-out-your-hair frustrating. Most involve blowing the crap out of a lot of Romulan ships until the game says you've won.

When the game does try to present more elaborate scenarios, they're so badly designed and unbalanced that they're just frustrating rather than fun. One insanely difficult mission where the player has to shoot down stellar fragments before they hit several planets is guaranteed to send most players screaming toward the Neutral Zone. Players had better get used to frustration since there's no in-mission save or checkpoints. This means that one screw-up in an hour-long mission can send the player back to square one.Another delightful mission requires players to disable the engines on three specific Romulan transports during a battle with over 40 ships flying around. In addition to the general targeting and maneuvering woes, players will also have to use subsystem targeting. Good luck figuring out how to use it.

Both the instructions in the game and in the manual are flat-out wrong. Additionally, the instructions in the in-game tutorial weren't translated from the Xbox 360 version to the PC; they tell the player to use the left stick and press the A button.

Then there are the instructions for using a cloaking device - which are nowhere to be found. Ship AI is pretty decent, which is a necessity since their willingness to actually follow the player's orders is spotty at best.The game comes with a Skirmish mode that allows players to pit up to 16 ships on four teams against one another on a variety of maps. I was really looking forward to this because I wanted to recreate some classic match-ups.

Star trek legacy 2 player

In my first game, for example, I really enjoyed pitting the Enterprise-D against the E. When I explored further, however, I realized that even this mode got screwed up.

Star Trek 2 Cast

There's no way to actually select the ships used by the AI. Instead, the skirmish options only allow the player to choose how many points the AI can spend on its fleet. Naturally it always spends as many as it can.

Star trek legacy 2 part 1

This means you'll be unable to do stuff like recreate Khan and Kirk's classic fight from Star Trek II. In my Enterprise-D versus E match, I had to play the D, since if I picked the E, the computer would pick the E as well.In the end, Star Trek: Legacy reeks of missed opportunities and features cut to make a ship date.

In any ordinary game, that would be sad enough. For this to be done to Star Trek: Legacy is almost criminal. This was supposed to be the 40th Anniversary game, the one that fans had been waiting for through all the years of dreck like Star Trek: Shattered Universe. Well, keep those hailing frequencies open. That great Trek game has got to be out there, and Star Trek: Legacy surely isn't it.People who downloaded Star Trek: Legacy have also downloaded:,©2019 San Pedro Software Inc. Contact:, done in 0.003 seconds.