Gta San Andreas Alien

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  1. Gta San Andreas Alien City

CharactersThis page contains screenshots, real life photographs andinformation about all of the main characters in GTA San Andreas and the peoplewho do their voices. You will find a thumbnail screenshot from in game of thecharacter, as well as a small image next to it showing the real person who doesthe voice. Clicking on the screenshot thumbnails will pop up with a larger imageof the character.

The UFO myth appeared quite early in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.It revolves around unidentified flying objects, aliens associated to them, and their possible locations. The existence of UFOs are somewhat certain to be false as the game's files have been torn apart and investigated for years however numerous people who are doubting this fact are continuing looking for them till this day.

Huge thanks to HeavensJester and Maureece Chavezon the forums for helping me find the real photographs of the voice actors.● Carl 'CJ' JohnsonVoiced By Chris 'Young Maylay' Bellard.Carl Johnson is the main character in GTA San Andreas. He makes hisreturn to Los Santos to attend his mothers funeral after living away inLiberty City for five years. Carl seems to like making his owndecisions, but will always help out whenever anyone needs hisassistance. He cares strongly for his family, especially his brotherSweet and hates the C.R.A.S.H.● Sean 'Sweet' JohnsonVoiced By Faizon Love.Carl's brother, and the leader of the Grove Street Families. Sweetthinks about nothing else but getting the drugs off the streets andgetting the GSF back to the top of the gang ladder, where they belong.He isn't the most friendly person with his sister Kendl, but how manybrothers and sisters are? Sweet is one of the toughest characters in thegame, and always knows what he wants to do next.● Kendl JohnsonVoiced By Yo Yo.Carl and Sweet's younger sister Kendl is dating Cesar, a member of theVarios Los Aztecas.

This angers the brothers, Sweet especially, butshe's grown up enough to make her own decisions. She eventually becomesthe brains of the family and works behind the scenes in the Johnson'sbusiness adventures.● Melvin 'Big Smoke' HarrisVoiced By Clifton Powell.Big Smoke has always seen things a little differently to everyone else,but he claims to be a strong member of the Grove Street Families. Hetends to get involved in things away from the main gangs objectives;such as the Russian Mafia and weaponry but always tries to help out hishomies. He will take whatever opportunities are handed to him though. Hecan't resist, and it might end up getting him in trouble.● Lance 'Ryder'WilsonVoiced By MC Eiht.Ryder is considered the loose cannon of the GSF with his 'You can't tellme what to do' attitude. He still feels as strongly as Sweet about theGrove Street Families, but like Big Smoke, he's willing to take anyopportunities to make a bit of cash, despite going against his gangsbest interests.● OG LocVoiced By Jas Anderson.OG Loc is a wanna-be Gangster Rapper.

  1. Where can you find an alien in Grand Theft Auto San Andreas? There are no aliens ordinarily in GTA: San Andreas. You could check on the internet to see if there is a mod available for this (would.
  2. Area #69, with the metal fence and one of guard towers on the fore ground. Area #69 a.k.a the Restricted Area. Heavily guarded alien research facility in Bone County,San Andreas.

He's first seen in the game comingout of jail. Not because he did anything bad though, just because doin'time is good for the image. He has serious problems actually soundingany good when rapping though, so Carl gives him a little help with arhyme book and sound systems. He's taken as a joke by everyone in GroveStreet, but he acts like he's tough and a real 'gangsta' despite thefact he hasn't put in any work for the set at all.● Mark 'B Dup'WayneVoiced By The Game.B Dup was one of the first Grove Street Guys to resort to the drugs. Hemoved away from the Grove and doesn't wish to have any contact withSweet or Carl. He eventually moves into Ballas territory as a pusher,selling drugs to OG's.● Barry 'Big Bear' Thorne(Left)Voiced By Big Boy.Big Bear followed B Dup onto the drugs, but for whatever reason became BDup's slave. Anything B Dup asks for will be met with 'Yes Sir'.


That isuntil he's had enough with B Dup's orders and wishes to rejoin the set.● EmmetVoiced By Eugene Jeter, Jr.Emmet is only seen once in the game. He's the local 'gun guy' providingpieces to any and all of the gangs to the East of Los Santos. He teachesCarl some shooting skills and offers to help out with weapons, howeverhis small yard only has one pistol which can be picked up at all timesthrough the game. If you need a piece for free, Emmet is the place togo.● Madd DoggVoiced By Ice T.Madd Dogg is the real thing when it comes to Gangster Rapping.

He's gotthe rhymes, the girls and the cash, not to mention a huge mansion.Unfortunately, like most highly rated celebrities he can't resistturning to the alcohol and ends up losing almost everything from hismanager, to his mansion and almost to his life. Thanks to Carl Johnsonhe eventually gets back on his feet though and goes on to retain hisspot as the number one rapper in Los Santos.● Cesar VialpandoVoiced By Clifton Collins, Jr.Cesar is not so liked by the Johnsons at the start, apart from Kendl ofcourse who he is dating, however after a few meetings with Carl afriendly partnership is made which gets stronger and stronger as thegame progresses. Cesar is the one person who tells Carl exactly what'sgoing on, even if he doesn't like it himself and Carl is happy to callhim his Brother In Law when Wu Zi Mu labels him under that. He has ahuge love for cars, modifications and street racing and plays a largepart in getting the Johnson's garage business underway. Most definitelyCarl's best friend throughout the game.● Officer Tenpenny (Right)Voiced By Samuel L. Jackson.Frank Tenpenny is one mean cop. He hates all gangs and will do whateverit takes to remove it from his city.

Whatever it takes. He's theboss of the C.R.A.S.H. And doesn't care how many laws he breaks on hisquest to rid Los Santos from gang warfare. He doesn't just go aboutkilling everyone when he feels like it though. He's a clever man whouses whoever he can get. If two gangs will splatter each others guts onthe sidewalk so he doesn't have to, he'll happily provoke such anaction.

All of his hypocrisy eventually causes problems across LosSantos which can't end up good for him.● Officer Pulaski(Left)Voiced By Chris Penn.Pulaski is Tenpenny's law enforcing sidekick. He tries to be as tough asthe main man Frank, but he clearly looks like he's putting on a toughshell.

He still hates gangs though, especially Carl Johnson's GroveStreet Families, but like Frank he's also clever enough to see that Carlwill do work they don't have to. His cocky attitude will surely get himin trouble too.● Officer Hernandez (Left)Voiced By Armando Riesco.Hernandez is probably the only good cop in the whole state. He tries toalways do what's right, but has to give in to peer pressure. He wants torid the city of gangs just like his two partners, however he wants to doit in a way that's right and not just kill everyone for no good reason.Because of his different view on crime fighting he is disliked by theother members of his team and if it was bad enough fighting all of thegangs in Los Santos on his own, he's fighting the two people who givethe least shit in the city as well.● CatalinaVoiced By Cynthia Farrell.Catalina is introduced as Cesar's cousin. She's a crazy love-struck girlwho can't really make her feelings clear enough for the lucky man Carl,and although she has fun robbing everything, her crime partnership withCarl is the best she can get before moving onto other things with hernew boyfriend Claude. She clearly still has feeling for Carl though asshe is constantly 'accidentally' calling his cell phone and speakingabout her love.● The TruthVoiced By Peter Fonda.The Truth is perceived as a crazy drug smoking hippie, but it's not longbefore people start to work out that he's not just called 'The Truth' byname, but that some of the stuff he says could well be true too. Hestrongly hates the system and is always thinking of ways to screw it.Apart from his love of drugs, he's very interested in aliens or otherundisclosed information, especially about government agents and whatreally goes on at 'the place that's not on the map'.● Jizzy BVoiced By Charlie Murphy.Jizzy B is the biggest Pimp in San Andreas.

Not only does he have lotsof girls to keep him entertained at his 'Pleasure Domes' club in SanFierro, but he's also involved in the biggest drug smuggling campaignthe city has ever seen. He'll use whoever he needs to get the job done,but soon finds out that he can't just go trusting everyone and expect toget away with it.● T-BoneVoiced By Kid Frost.T-Bone Mendez is another member of the Yay Smuggling team run by Jizzy.He really only cares about getting the drugs and getting paid, but willalso risk his life to ensure the job is done.● Mike TorenoVoiced By James Woods.Mike Toreno would appear to be another member of the Yay Smugglingsquad, however after Carl gets in deep he discovers that he's more thanjust a drug dealer, but a government agent with a massive knowledgebase.

Toreno is not scared of anything, but knows that stuff has to bedone and when the helpless Carl Johnson is looking for a way to free hisjailed brother, Toreno will capitalise on that.● WoozieVoiced By James Yaegashi.Wu Zi Mu is the leader of the Mountain Cloud Boys, a division of theChinese Triads. Although he is completely blind, he has trained hisother senses to a point where you could barely tell the difference. Orso he says. He is blessed with extreme good fortune however though andmanages to come through numerous street races without a scratch. He thenmoves onto bigger things and opens a Casino in Las Venturas which causesa lot of problems. Especially when trying to run a Triad Casino in aMafia run town.

Woozie is definitely one of the coolest people in thegame and makes instant friends with Carl.● Su Xi Mu (Suzie)Voiced By Richard Chang.Suzie is Woozie's assistant. He often helps out with jobs that need tobe done, and will also help out with Carl when he is working for him. Heis reasonably clever and knows what certain jobs entail.

Especially whenit comes to pulling off a huge casino heist!● Ran Fa Li (Farlie)Voiced By Hunter Platin.Ran Fa Li is a man of few words. Well, none actually.

Gta San Andreas Alien City

You will howeverhear the occasional grunt, but in all honesty he's just one of the sidecharacters who is said to be high up in the Triads. He eventually goeson to be Wu Zi Mu's partner at his casino, but doesn't play a very bigrole in the game.● ZeroVoiced By David Cross.Zero is a computer genius who runs a Remote Control Vehicles shop andhas a constant on going battle with Berkley; some guy he beat in ascience fair who now wants revenge in a war using only Remote ControlVehicles. He turns out to be a useful asset in the running of the garageand also in the Triad Casino as his gadgets make jobs easy, no matterhow complicated the device names may be.● Kent PaulVoiced By Danny Dyer.Kent Paul is the manager of a band, but loses them as soon as he getsinto San Andreas. He wakes up in the desert with his friend Maccer andeventually meets up with his good old friend Rosie who he helps get backonto the idiot fuel and takes him through a few wacky adventures beforegoing to to help Madd Dogg produce his first gold record.● MaccerVoiced By Shaun Ryder.Maccer is a strange character who has a problem with frequentmasturbation. No matter where he is or who he's thinking of, all he'sdoing is giving himself a little bit. He's pretty obsessed with tits tooand also enjoys doing all sorts of drugs.

He was in a band called theGurning Chimps but is just out for the adventure in San Andreas. Macceris definitely one of the funniest characters in the game and hiscutscene in the mission 'Don Peyote' is an instant classic.● Ken RosenburgVoiced By Bill Fichtner.Rosie has been through rehabilitation to get off his addiction tococaine and soon finds himself in charge of a huge Mafia run casino. Heknows that he'll be popped for any wrong move but thanks to his friendPaul and his new ally Carl, he's back on the drugs and is tough enoughto stand up and let people know that he's the boss.● Salvatore LeoneVoiced By Frank Vincent.Salvatore Leone is the man in charge of the Leone Mafia. He wants astake in the Sindacco Casino but also wants a say in the way things arerun.

He's a man not to be messed with, but he can see things in morethan one way and will do whatever is necessary to make any sort of gain.He makes quick friends with Carl and sends him off on a few dangerousjobs involving rival organizations from Liberty City but is surprised tofind that Carl's allegiance is elsewhere.● MariaVoiced By Debi Mazar.Maria plays an extremely small role in the game. She is seen working asa maid or waitress for Salvatore Leone in a few cutscenes and wants tomake as much money as she can. Salvatore takes an immediate shine to herand it would seem they may be more than just friends in the future.● Jonny SindaccoVoiced By Casey Siemaszko.Jonny is the man in charge of the Sindacco Mafia. He's originally theguy running the Caligula's Casino, but needs Salvatore's money, soallows both organizations to be united, despite the growing feud betweenthemselves.

Jonny doesn't mind getting his hands dirty, but he's caughttrying to destroy some Triad hardware and is made to pay for it.● JethroVoiced By John Zurhellen.Jethro owns a small hotdog selling business in central San Fierro. He isgreat with cars though and eventually moves onto work in the JohnsonGarage.● DwaineVoiced By Navid Khonsari.Dwaine is old friends with Jethro back from their times in Vice City andhe works for a small garage in Easter Basin. That is before his friendThe Truth invites him to work at the Johnson Garage for a real job.● Millie PerkinsVoiced By Orfeh.Millie is a kinky girl who becomes good friends with Carl. She loves herdirty clothing and bondage and can't help her feelings for any manwearing a gimp suit.

She works for Caligula's Casino and is the securitybreach which eventually allows the heist to go ahead.● BarbaraSchternvartVoiced By Danielle Lee Greaves.Barbara is a divorced cop with two kids. She likes the look of Carl andwants to date.

Not really much more to be said than that. She'll giveout some free Police gear to anyone who shows affection to her though.● Denise RobinsonVoiced By Heather Alicia Simms.Denise is saved by Carl early on in the game from a house fire andbecomes his first girlfriend. She lives extremely close to Grove Streetand is one of the only gang-banging girls in and around the Grove. She'snot too fussy about what she does or where she goes on dates and offersa nice Pimp Suit to Carl for dating her well.● Michelle CannesVoiced By Vanessa Aspillaga.Michelle is sort of similar to Cesar. She works at a garage and lovescars. All she ever talks about is cars and although Carl only pretendsto take an interest, she is kind enough to fix any of Carl's vehiclesfor free if he's in the San Fierro area.● Helena WanksteinVoiced By Bijou Philips.Helena is a Lawyer by trade who lives on a farm just off Los Santos.She's rather strange, but is just like any other girl in a way. She hasa lot of high firepower weapons to give to Carl for dating her though.● Katie ZahnVoiced By China Chow.Katie is a Nurse who lives and works in San Fierro.

She loves caraccidents and anything involving blood. She's a bit strange really, butshe'll get Carl out of hospital for free if he treats her nicely.Design, layout and all images areCopyright of Vendetta, Psy and read our, for more information.

Game Introduction:- Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas is a game of action-adventure open world by Rockstar North developed and published by Rockstar Games. In the game series Grand Theft Auto, this is the third 3D graphics, the fifth section is the first release on the handheld and the eighth part of the total. The first was released on platforms PlayStation 2 in October 2004, 2 the game was later released on the console the Xbox and Microsoft Windows (PC) in June 2005, 360 in May to 12 years 2008 as well as PS3 in December 2012. The game has received very positive feedback and higher sales across all platforms, becoming the best selling game of all time on PlayStation 2. The game was put on Steam on January 4, 2008, 6 and was released on the operating system Mac (minimum configuration of Mac OS X 10.6.6) in November 2011.San Andreas takes place in the state of San Andreas (based on the California and Nevada ), including 3 cities Los Santos (based on Los Angeles ), San Fierro (based on San Francisco ) and Las Venturas (based on Las Vegas ), in 1992, 7 The game revolves around the gang member Carl “CJ” Johnson from Liberty City back home to Los Santos, San Andreas follows the news that his mother was murdered. Old friends and family of CJ falling into chaos. During the game, CJ gradually discovered the conspiracy behind the death of his mother.The plot of the game is based on real events in Los Angeles as hostilities between the two gangs the Bloods and the Crips, Drug, Rampart scandal and even the 1992 riots in Los Angeles.San Andreas is structured similar to its predecessor two games.

Core gameplay consists of elements of shooter games Tuesday and Racing, which simultaneously gives players an environment of open world to explore large. This is also the first character can swim and climb. Players can control multiple vehicles, including cars, buses, pickup trucks, motorboats, airplanes, helicopters, trains, tanks, motorcycles and bikes.Open non-linear environment allows players to explore and the freedom to choose how to play.

Gta San Andreas Alien

Although storyline missions must be completed to story development as well as unlock some certain content, but it is not mandatory and players can carry them always. When you’re not performing the task, the player can freely travel and sightseeing around the city or cause chaos by attacking and destroying others, which can cause fatal attention unintended from the government. Police will handle minor infractions, while the task force, the FBI, and the military will address higher wanted levels.Players can get many side quests to increase the properties and earn extra income for the characters, including the traditional side missions from previous games like shuttle taxis, extinguishing fires, transporting the injured to the hospital and fighting crime. Some new missions including theft, prostitution brokerage, delivery by truck or train and driving / plane / boat / motorcycle.Initially, not all locations are accessible.

Some places, such as car repair garage, gym and shops is only activated after the character has completed certain tasks. Similarly, in the first part of the game, players can explore only Los Santos and its suburbs together; unlocking the other cities also require certain tasks to be completed.Other than GTA III and Vice City, San Andreas without load times when the player moves between districts within a city. Loading screens in the game only appears in cutscenes.Many elements of the game was remade to include ideas from one another Rockstar game, Manhunt, including many factors act stealthily, 8 as well as improved display of blood flow objectives (changes color from blue, red, black and black, depending on the amount of blood). In the PC version of the game, the player must press and hold the right mouse to aim, then press or hold the left mouse button to shoot.Players gunfight with members of a gang.In addition, for the first time players can swim and climb walls.

9 The ability to swim a great impact on the play by now the country is no longer a barrier. Players can use two guns at a time to increase the firepower. Because of the vast scale of San Andreas, players can mark.Game Image.